7/30/2016 0 Comments Chivalry isn't deadChivalry isn’t dead.
Hey everybody and thanks for checkin out SomeDailyJoe. I’m just a normal guy that wants to sip whatever’s in this cup and somehow end up the dude version of a mini Oprah. Serious topic and serious question… Where have all the good guys gone? My brothers and I can’t be the only ones left. Where did chivalry go? It was how I was raised so I feel like it’s in my blood but as I’ve learned, at some point along the way it got grossly manipulated. I’ve done my research and A LOT of people believe chivalry is sexist. They believe that it’s catering to women. Contrary to that unfortunate popular belief… chivalry was and is STILL a good thing. Dating back to medieval times, the definition of chivalry is ‘the combination of qualities expected of an ideal knight, especially courage, honor, courtesy, justice, and readiness to help.’ Guys, I get that you want to seem like a hard ass to your boys but at the end of the day (whispers) are you trying to spend the rest of your life with your boys? If so, I don’t judge. Feel free to continue being an ass while chasing random girls who are searching for a ‘bad boy’ because they have deep-rooted daddy issues. Have fun with that. For those of you that maybe didn’t know where to look and just generally want to be a better human being… keep on reading. There are countless ways I could share but honestly, I feel like anything more than 5 should be an article as opposed to a video list. So yea, some of these are general while some are for relationships but here are 5 things you can do to bring chivalry back. 1. Speak with respect. Communication is important in ANY relationship. I question the longevity of any relationship that holds ‘damn you got a fat ass’ as a legitimate term of endearment 2. Consider life and general interactions as all-inclusive. You’ll pay money for it on vacation for you; in life you’re kind of paying for it with your reputation soooo yea. Don’t be afraid to open a door or give a girl your jacket if she’s cold. I mean I’d hope you’d give your jacket to your mom or sister. Help an elderly person cross the street or help someone grab something out of reach at the grocery store. Doesn’t make you a boy scout, it means you have a soul. 3. Contain yourself when it comes to social media. There’s a difference between having informed discussions and degrading, bullying and generally spewing hate. ALSO . . . PLEASE STEP AWAY FROM THE DM. DO-NOT slide into every attractive person’s inbox. Save yourself the embarrassment, she’s probably screen-shotting your dick picks and laughing about it over a glass of wine with her friends and He’s 100% showing his boys the ass shots (sips drink). 4. Care about your appearance. You’d be surprised how much respect you’ll get when you at least seem like you care about how you look. FIND YOUR OWN STYLE. You may not have the body of a male model or resources to jump off the pages of GQ but that doesn’t give you a pass to look like you don’t have any home training. If all else fails, black jeans and a fitted black or white tee. You’re welcome. Stop with the hover boards. Chill out with the Vape Pens. I feel like I still see people sagging from time to time. If you’re sagging, please blow a cloud of vape smoke and hover your ass into traffic. Don’t die, just kinda get messed up so you can realize the error in your ways. (Sip) 5. Last but not lease LISTEN. This means in face-to-face conversation but also in what people post on their social media. It’s quite possibly the easiest of these suggestions. Shut up, keep your opinion to yourself for once, and quietly receive a different perspective. Listening is sexy, trust me. About 94% of my friends are really hot model girls. But that’s it for me. Hope yall learned something. Please Like my page on FB for posts and follow me @SomeDailyJoe on Instagram for all the photo ops.
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