8/20/2016 0 Comments An open letter to technologyCursive. I miss the art of penmanship. I miss the old days of handwriting letters and folding them into crudely interpreted origami shapes to pass along in class because we didn’t have cell phones yet. It was a simpler time. I have a love hate relationship with you more often than not. It might seem perfectly normal or possibly a little ironic that I’m writing this… using a computer… however I ask all reading this letter to bear with me. I could’ve captured a few thousand carrier pigeons and attached my beloved hand written letters or mastered the ancient art of smoke signals but I feel like everyone will get over it once we stumble upon the next viral phenomenon that will undoubtedly consume the majority of what the masses deem worthy of our attention. With that said, I’ll continue.
Personally technology, you are a tricky sum-bitch when it comes to accepting you. I am absolutely not saying that I am above you, that I don’t need you, that I’m not obsessed with you, or that I can’t wait until we can party and get smashed on the moon because of you… but sometimes I do feel like you get out of hand. We have contraptions that allow the lonely and most questionable of humans to have virtual reality sex. On the other hand we have 3D printing of organs and materials that can save lives and our environment but then we’re set back again by the whole nuclear weapons thing. I could go back and forth on the millions of good and bad technological advancements and developments that were reached for the purpose of ‘protection’, pleasure, or simply to make our lives a little bit easier, but I choose to highlight the good and focus on the one that kind of embodies them all… the wonder that is social media. Shout out to you Internet. With the assistance of YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat and a number of others we have evolved into a community that’s seemingly endless. How we as a species organically come together to support, educate, and even live vicariously through each other is a mind blowing concept in itself for the simple fact that there is so much negativity in the world and it’s dangerously easy for us to begin to lose faith in humanity all together. That one’s for Trump. My letter, my opinion. We have almost ever-expanding platforms that make it remarkably easy to reach the masses to incite action and encourage change… a reach that extends beyond the confines of any city, state, country, political borders and even religious boundaries. You’ve given us a new responsibility and for that I thank you. Being successful, or rather ‘notable’ on social media is almost like having a super power… a super power in which one can wield for good or for evil. We become Superman with no kryptonite. How, one might ask?... because our communities chose to follow us. They identify, to some degree, with us and our ideals. We impart into their lives in one-way or another and that’s huge. The late Uncle Ben could not have spoken truer words “With great power comes great responsibility.” For those of you that didn’t catch that… yes that was a Spiderman reference. I’m a closet nerd. Deal with it. ANYWAY… because of you, technology, we are provided the opportunity to be informed and entrusted with the opportunity to inform. You’ve become the crown jewel of mankind, the ultimate creation. Good for you. Just don’t forget where you came from… the minds of man. We are powerful beings and guess where all that you know to be reality came from? I’m calling you out because the leaders and influencers of our online communities have to realize that we are contributing to the most POWERFUL thing in existence. I’m hoping that with this letter they understand that their voices aren’t going unheard. Whether their communities are large or small, we are all intertwined through sharing, liking, or good old-fashioned screenshot and text. If they’re going to be connected to you anyway I want them to share their travels. I want them to show the world there is still good out there. I want them to urge their communities to speak up on social topics. I want them to embrace change and social advancements. I want them to LOVE ONE ANOTHER. I want them to get people out there to LIVE their lives using you as a vessel. Oh and as if you didn’t already know, everybody has a cell phone or a tablet so you don’t ever have to worry about you and the ones that have grown to love you… well… growing apart. You’re pretty awesome and I know it’s not your fault if people use you in ways that don’t exactly advance us as a whole. I guess it’s just easier for me to say I hate a bunch of 1’s and 0’s as opposed to saying I hate someone who is interacting with society as a result of what they’ve been exposed to. You –are- always there for me with or without wifi, which is a lot more than I can say about a lot of people so until you really fuck me over… like leak my nudes, we can still be homies. SomeDailyJoe
7/30/2016 0 Comments Chivalry isn't deadChivalry isn’t dead.
Hey everybody and thanks for checkin out SomeDailyJoe. I’m just a normal guy that wants to sip whatever’s in this cup and somehow end up the dude version of a mini Oprah. Serious topic and serious question… Where have all the good guys gone? My brothers and I can’t be the only ones left. Where did chivalry go? It was how I was raised so I feel like it’s in my blood but as I’ve learned, at some point along the way it got grossly manipulated. I’ve done my research and A LOT of people believe chivalry is sexist. They believe that it’s catering to women. Contrary to that unfortunate popular belief… chivalry was and is STILL a good thing. Dating back to medieval times, the definition of chivalry is ‘the combination of qualities expected of an ideal knight, especially courage, honor, courtesy, justice, and readiness to help.’ Guys, I get that you want to seem like a hard ass to your boys but at the end of the day (whispers) are you trying to spend the rest of your life with your boys? If so, I don’t judge. Feel free to continue being an ass while chasing random girls who are searching for a ‘bad boy’ because they have deep-rooted daddy issues. Have fun with that. For those of you that maybe didn’t know where to look and just generally want to be a better human being… keep on reading. There are countless ways I could share but honestly, I feel like anything more than 5 should be an article as opposed to a video list. So yea, some of these are general while some are for relationships but here are 5 things you can do to bring chivalry back. 1. Speak with respect. Communication is important in ANY relationship. I question the longevity of any relationship that holds ‘damn you got a fat ass’ as a legitimate term of endearment 2. Consider life and general interactions as all-inclusive. You’ll pay money for it on vacation for you; in life you’re kind of paying for it with your reputation soooo yea. Don’t be afraid to open a door or give a girl your jacket if she’s cold. I mean I’d hope you’d give your jacket to your mom or sister. Help an elderly person cross the street or help someone grab something out of reach at the grocery store. Doesn’t make you a boy scout, it means you have a soul. 3. Contain yourself when it comes to social media. There’s a difference between having informed discussions and degrading, bullying and generally spewing hate. ALSO . . . PLEASE STEP AWAY FROM THE DM. DO-NOT slide into every attractive person’s inbox. Save yourself the embarrassment, she’s probably screen-shotting your dick picks and laughing about it over a glass of wine with her friends and He’s 100% showing his boys the ass shots (sips drink). 4. Care about your appearance. You’d be surprised how much respect you’ll get when you at least seem like you care about how you look. FIND YOUR OWN STYLE. You may not have the body of a male model or resources to jump off the pages of GQ but that doesn’t give you a pass to look like you don’t have any home training. If all else fails, black jeans and a fitted black or white tee. You’re welcome. Stop with the hover boards. Chill out with the Vape Pens. I feel like I still see people sagging from time to time. If you’re sagging, please blow a cloud of vape smoke and hover your ass into traffic. Don’t die, just kinda get messed up so you can realize the error in your ways. (Sip) 5. Last but not lease LISTEN. This means in face-to-face conversation but also in what people post on their social media. It’s quite possibly the easiest of these suggestions. Shut up, keep your opinion to yourself for once, and quietly receive a different perspective. Listening is sexy, trust me. About 94% of my friends are really hot model girls. But that’s it for me. Hope yall learned something. Please Like my page on FB for posts and follow me @SomeDailyJoe on Instagram for all the photo ops. 7/28/2016 2 Comments An open letter to whiskeyI’m a grateful person… always have been, always will be. There are a great number of people I could thank, those of which I will show my appreciation when I feel the time is right, but in this instance… I want to give a shout out to you. If I’m going to be completely honest, I began drinking before I was 21. I did however wait until college when I was old enough to feel like I was grown and old enough to make my own decisions but young enough to fuck up and still run to mom should anything go down. I do NOT condone nor do I encourage the young people in the US to do as I did. Underage drinking is both irresponsible and illegal in the US and we all know this. Not to mention it stresses out their parents and it could really mess up their lives in the long run. Didn’t happen to me, I have however seen some people head down a very dark path. But I digress, everybody reading along in the other countries that don’t have a strict drinking age and everybody 21 and up in the US… this is for you. I like to believe I’ve mastered this thing we like to call drinking. I’ve held business conversations with life changers, gotten caught up in the feels with some celebrities who shall remain nameless, and even gotten friends out of trouble with the police. How? I have no idea but these nights I owe to either my buddy Jameson or my good friend Jack. Pretty sure you know them because well… they’re you. Vodka is that guy I see at Bootsy Bellows or 1Oak that I only know in that setting and I’m not quite sure if they exist in daylight, but they always manage to get me hammered to the point of no return. Possibly sick. Front runner for why I’m walk of shaming it the next morning after waking up in a bush or alley/ why I’ll be working extra hours at my job to offset the small fortune I spent on enough alcohol to get a small village smashed. Vodka is the most accessible & the primary suspect in 79% of alcohol related blackouts. This is not a verifiable statistic. Tequila is the hot girl/guy that only comes out on occasion. The one I never knew I wanted but now that they’re there I scan the bar for limes and accept the inevitable: I’m definitely hooking up with someone. Tequila makes everything sexy for some reason. Double edged sword that hussy and a primary suspect in 86% of drunken hook ups and oceans of tears. EVERYONE! IF YOU’RE DRINKING TEQUILA IN THE CLUB---- HE/SHE DOESN’T LOVE YOU! ABORT MISSION! Whiskey? Man. If I’m gunna destroy my liver, I’d for sure want to do it feeling all warm and cozy. Sophisticated even. Other than the physical deterioration of my body, you can do no wrong. Of all the versions of Drunk Joe, this version is by far the best. Super social. Super happy. Does NOT allow drama. Is amazing with advice. With what I do as a socialite/ with events, I find myself consuming alcohol pretty often and with whiskey I’m really able to enjoy myself. I never have to worry about making compromised decisions or saying things that I mean but probably shouldn’t articulate. A lot of the best times I’ve had out with amazing people, being spontaneous & reckless but also creating some amazing memories have been with you… and to me that’s pretty dope when I think about it. I don’t need to drink to have a good time, I don’t have an addictive personality to anything other than pizza but I will say that when I’m at work hosting clients, creating the atmosphere, or simply kicking it with friends at my table, I have fun while consuming your majesticness. So here’s to you old friend! To the Old Fashioned, Jack & Coke or the ever so delicious Jameson Ginger… I salute you. May you never turn on me as vodka and tequila have time and time again. DRINK RESPONSIBLY. Selfies today have a predominately bad reputation. NON-scientifically linked to extreme narcissism, mental illness and perpetuated by the over use by certain celebrities everybody loves to hate. I’m not going to defend the Kardashian/Jenner clan because their bank accounts speak for themselves so I’m just going to b-line back to the main topic. We often fail to remember that we’ve been taking selfies since the age of the disposable camera. The only differences between then and now are that we can produce and edit the fuck out of them at an unfathomable rate. I want to first address the guys. There have been countless memes indicating that males who take selfies are somehow emasculated. I’m not going to say that this is ridiculously stupid and also sexist but I will say that if you take life advice from a meme affixed to some misogynistic photo… maybe you shouldn’t be taking selfies or photos in general or even exist for that matter. Selfies are not a male or a female thing. STFU and cut that shit out. When I take a deeper look into the idea of selfies I do so from two sides of the same coin. In each topic, I believe we should look at both why people would adopt and why people would oppose… even if it’s brief, it’s only fair. I’m no psychology major nor will I ever claim to be but I think a lot of this topic circles around self-image/ confidence. Shut up. I know that seems like common sense because we are in fact talking about selfies but let me get my thoughts out before you promote me to Captain Obvious. I think the anti-selfie people at some point have or are still struggling with insecurities. This may come off as a generalizing and bold statement but to me it feels like the only logical reason. Why else would one actively go out of his or her way to negatively dissect a photo someone felt proud of? The list of possible insecurities is endless; physical insecurities, levels of confidence, all around jealousy… we all have felt some type of way about ourselves so I don’t particularly feel a need to focus on this. I really don’t fuck with negativity. To all the proud, confident, not needing anybody else’s approval, no fucks given selfie takers… I salute you. We are a slowly growing breed as our generation continues to progress and make strides to encourage and uplift each other (a huge aim for @SomeDailyJoe) so I feel like we’ll be massive numbers in no time. I feel like a selfie says ‘I’m killin the game’, ‘Slay’, ‘I’m feelin myself’… need I continue? You are comfortable with the image you are putting out in the world and that’s amazing. Nobody ever says ‘I look like shit in this, let me post it’. With that said I’m assuming you don’t hella facetume yourself creating a completely new person that doesn’t exist only prompting unwarranted attention and meetings under false pretences, leaving you feeling like you’re unlovable. That’s never good. Owning who you are is something every person strives for in their life whether they want to admit it or not and as trivial as it may seem, posting a dope ass selfie is an easy way to metaphorically shout it from the rooftops. On a lighter note, no pun intended, understanding the necessity of and the art in finding that perfect lighting is a skill. BE PROUD OF THAT SHIT. Some of my favorite people have embraced the selfie and they are some of the best people I’ve been lucky to have in my life. They are positive and uplifting, encouraging and supportive, achieving goals and are generally really fuckin happy. Long story short: posting selfies=higher levels of confidence in oneself. No science in that, it’s just my opinion. If you’re feelin yourself, post up. #Flawless Here are some of my friends that have embraced the Selfie. Go creep them on IG and keep up with all the photo ops on @SomeDailyJoe Until next time, cheers to you! 7/28/2016 1 Comment Coachella – Heaven on EarthThere are very few moments in a calendar year that evoke an emotion that changes me for the better. Most holidays have no effect and most events fail to excite me in ways that allow me to grow or develop some sort of new understanding or appreciation of the people around me or myself. For one to understand the magnitude of these specific distinctions, one must first understand my mental ranking of the only 3 annual moments that truly elevate my life. You guys might find it weird because they are all ranked number 1, but there’s no way I could place one above the other. For me, personally, Christmas is in a category of it’s own. Shrouded in the comfort of love and childhood memories and filled with late night talks and an endless feast of mom’s cooking, it’s a time to rejuvenate and get re-grounded after all the crazy shit I get into/places I end up. The cherry on top is that it’s also Mom’s birthday. Anyone who knows me knows that she is my favorite human on this planet and that I could talk about her forever so I’m just going to move on. Lol. Second but also ranked first, My Birthday. An occasion so grand even the Gods themselves await an invite to the often week-long affair. Celebrations in Los Angeles and typically concluding in Las Vegas courtesy of Jason Strauss and Tao Group, my birthday has become something that has no real human description. My birthday reassures me that I’m loved and reaffirms that the good I consistently try to put out there isn’t going unnoticed. It’s an amazing thing to feel loved; I can’t express enough how much we should express it as much as possible. Instagram : @SomeDailyJoe @ToniMahfud Now that I have those two out of the way, not to belittle either of the previously mentioned moments of immense JOY, I can get to why I even decided to write this piece... Coa-Fucking-Chella. I struggle to find a place to begin because I am obsessed with every single aspect of this mind-blowing weekend. (As I write this I’m legit experiencing a mild case of anxiety because I hope to truly put down in text what my entire being experiences.) At the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival’s conclusion of weekend 1, like clockwork, I fall into a slight depression. I immediately miss the music and excitement. I miss the lights and the palpable energy. I miss the unaddressed but all encompassing ‘collective vibe’ and sense of unity. We all waited for this weekend, for one reason or another, but for whatever that reason may have been, it contributed to the diversity, inspiration, freedom and eclectic nature that is the spirit of Coachella. Instagram : @JasTookes @SomeDailyJoe @Taylor_Hill @RomeeStrijd Singing my whole life, I’ve grown up listening to all types of music. The Temptations to Whitney Houston to The Dixie Chicks to Justin Timberlake to Beyonce to 2Pac to John Legend to James Morrison to Adele to Yellowcard to Michael Buble to Lauren Hill… Hahaha… now that’s a spectrum. I’ve listened to it all and then some. Experiencing Coachella (for the 3rd year) has been nothing less than a yearly pseudo IV for the music that keeps my love for the art alive. I’ve been unbelievably fortunate to see artists such as The Weeknd, Sam Smith, Florence and the Machine, Alessia Cara, Guns & Roses, Rihanna, Sia, Kygo, OutKast and god knows how many other others perform in the desert and extend to us what they’ve cultivated their whole lives. I’m having a moment just thinking about those instances in time when I was the most content with the world around me. New beginnings. A part of me looks forward to this weekend because I always meet some of the most amazing people. In meeting these people, I always end up having once in a lifetime experiences or interactions that I honestly wouldn’t trade for anything or any amount of money. I’ve made countless international friends, which only encourages me to travel more and expand who I am as a person. I’ve met celebrities that I’ve always wondered ‘are they actually good people in real life?’ all of which have proven to be. I’ve met people that can change my life, record label execs, songwriters, other musicians, and influencers… I swear I grow every year I attend this weekend. Self-expression. I’m grateful for many reasons to be so transparent. I endeavor to live my life as an open book. I’ve been through A LOT and to be completely forward with you, I feel as if I’d be doing more of an injustice not sharing my life experiences. I’m a socialite. It’s one of the many things I’m known for in LA. When it comes to honest self-expression and a complete –no-fucks-given- mentality many would think it’d be tough for me. Not so much. I am the same person from when I wake up to when I go to sleep. I’ll drink til I’m making out with your best friend, I’ll end up damn near naked, or completely naked because –skinny dipping- and I’ll eat all your pizza all while touching up my concealer because you best believe I still have to look good in photos. At Coachella you can take risks; risks in your style choices and well… your life choices. You can embrace anything you may have felt unable to express in your natural habitat. *As long as it’s not offensive or putting others in danger. You can be YOU. People dig that. Instagram : @GabbyEpstein @SomeDailyJoe Happiness. Happiness is, as you guys will surely realize, a common thread for many if not all of the pieces in SomeDailyJoe. Coachella is easily one of the few places I can call my happy place. It’s terribly difficult to put this experience into words because the levels of happiness are off the happ-o-meter but this was only my first attempt. I’m sure I will do a piece a few months down the line revisiting the emotions and complete feeling of –being- getting deeper into specific experiences… but this, I feel, was a decent start. Email me some of your Coachella experiences or head over to @SomeDailyJoe on IG and leave a comment on some of the pictures. Until next time. Cheers to you! *Sip* Instagram : @HelenOwen @SomeDailyJoe @GabbyEpstein @HannahStocking
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